Entrepreneurship with impact


Climate friendly office


When it comes to energy efficiency, we have long dared to think ahead. Back in 2012, we built our 'New World of Work' in a progressive energy-efficient building. Particularly good insulation, heating and cooling via concrete core activation, a ventilation system with heat recovery, electricity from solar energy, ... mean that our office building with an E-level of 32 was years ahead of its time and still meets the strictest standards today.

Data centre

Our Atlas data centre, from which we offer Managed Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud services, is also energy-efficient. The cooling of the data centre - usually an energy guzzler - uses techniques that guarantee optimal energy use.

Savaco datacenter

Sustainable mobility

Car mobility

For our IT experts, a car is a necessary work tool. Many of them are on their way to customers every day to deliver our IT services. To serve our customers optimally, most of our employees therefore have a company car. When choosing these leased cars, however, we invariably opt for the car with the lowest fuel consumption, based on a realistic estimate we make ourselves using the WLTP standard. In this way, we try to best reconcile our economic and ecological interests.

Bike mobility

In addition, initiatives have been taken for years to encourage healthy and sustainable commuting. The company bicycle was introduced back in 2010, and since 2017 Savaco employees have received a bicycle allowance per kilometre travelled by bicycle to and from work. Savaco's Bike App, developed in-house, nicely keeps track of all cycling data. In 2019, Savaco introduced a bicycle leasing system. This allows employees to cycle to work in an economical way with an appropriate bike for their commuting distance (electric, speed pedelec,...). And the concept is catching on, as more and more Savaco employees subscribe to this programme.

Working from home

Finally, employees are given the opportunity to work from home on a regular basis. This not only reclaims the time our employees would otherwise spend on the road, it also offers a positive contribution to the environment.