The world is rapidly digitising and transforming. Savaco guides you through this and aims to relieve you of ICT concerns to the extent you prefer.

Digital transformation: what’s your next step?

Whatever industry you’re in and whatever your job involves, the digital (r)evolution will affect the way you work. Digital transformation should be near the very top of your agenda. Turn your digital strategy into reality. If you don’t adapt quickly, it’ll be checkmate. Savaco can guide you with a pragmatic approach and help you to take the right digital steps towards a sustainable and successful future.


Digitale Transformatie bij KMO's

A stepping stone for accelerating and transforming digitally

There are four main pillars to any digital transformation project:

  1. Optimise your business processes
  2. Motivate and facilitate your employees
  3. Intensively involve your customers
  4. Transform your products and services

Data are the links between each of these pillars. It’s important that you have an agile IT platform so that you can quickly harness existing and new data streams and arrive at usable insights for your organisation.

Optimise your processes

Perhaps you’ve already asked yourself one of these questions:

  • Can I make manual or paper business processes quicker and more efficient?
  • What should I do with the daily influx of data into my business?
  • How can I get the most out of all the data that I collect?

Taking a more efficient, digital approach to internal processes and working methods is a massive time-saver – time that you can invest in innovative products and improved service provision. Tools for Document Management, Workflow Automation and Business Intelligence can help you to boost productivity and efficiency in your organisation so that everyone notices. The tools you need to optimise your processes are already available. Savaco can help you to apply these solutions in your organisation.

Facilitate your employees

With the right digital support in place, you can help your employees to achieve more: a flexible, productive, mobile and safe workplace enables your employees to give their very best.

Today’s world of work is not location-bound. Solutions like Microsoft Teams help digital collaboration both inside and outside your organisation feel natural. What’s more, state-of-the-art tools like these mean that you can be reached wherever you are.

Enterprise Service Management solutions give your employees a handy digital help button for questions about internal services like IT and HR. To keep it all manageable, you can consider tools for modern Device Management to help you.

Intensively involve your customers

The traditional value chain no longer ends when your product reaches the customer. Today, customers aren’t interested in buying a product, but an ensemble of services relating to that product. They also expect a product to have been customised to their situation. You need to use data and insights about your customers to offer them a personal experience and take every opportunity to stay in touch. Customer Engagement solutions give you a 360° view of your customer. Tools such as the extranet also help keep you accessible to your customers. By connecting your products with the Internet of Things, you can use real user data from the field to constantly match your products to the wishes and preferences of customers.

Transform your products

Use data to differentiate your product and be the first to grasp new opportunities. The Internet of Things offers innumerable opportunities to make products smart and connected. Internal product data, such as CAD drawings and well-managed bills of materials, can also help your internal chain to run more smoothly, from engineering to production, so that you can develop innovative products faster. Augmented and Virtual Reality offer a wide variety of options for design, production and servicing.

Data as new raw materials

Data are at the heart of the digitalisation and transformation process. The richer the data, the better you can respond to the needs of all stakeholders involved in your organisation. Want to excel in internal and external service? To exceed your customers’ expectations? You already can. Take a smart approach to the data that flow in and out of your organisation. Put these data into dashboards and link them with analysis tools and you can turn them into usable knowledge to help you predict events and influence the outcomes.

The cloud as a flexible IT platform

The way in which we work and communicate with customers, produce and collaborate with external partners is increasingly digitalised. A robust ICT platform is an essential tool for businesses, now more than ever. But, that same ICT platform is becoming increasingly complex and its requirements ever more stringent. Having a flexible and hybrid platform is an absolute must.

As an IT specialist, Savaco supports businesses and organisations in the implementation of a robust and up-to-date data centre and modern workplace. Increasingly with a focus on securing your data and applications.