One point of contact for all your IT questions

IT partner for SMEs & non-profit

ICT is complex. That's why we have a lot of certified experts on staff who always keep up with the latest developments. They convey their knowledge to you in clear language.

  • Clear IT advice
  • Lightning-fast support
  • One point of contact for all your questions

A human take on ICT

ICT is complex. ICT is complex. That's why we have a lot of certified experts on staff who always keep up with the latest developments. They convey their knowledge to you in clear language. We also provide you with insight into the opportunities and risks of your IT environment, so that you always make the right IT decisions, even when you're not an ICT expert yourself.


Lightning-fast support

No one likes to wait for support when there's a problem. That's why we promise you the fastest ICT support; for each question, you immediately get in contact with a specialised technician. Your problems are resolved quickly and usually remotely.

Popular IT solutions for SMEs

Start in 4 steps

Feel free to contact us for a consultation without obligations. This way, we can get to know each other and learn more about your IT challenges. Based on our experience in various industries, we can share a wealth of insights. If needed, we can provide you with a clear overview and action plan for your IT environment, based on an in-depth scan of your current IT.

Would you like to partner with Savaco, whether or not in collaboration with your internal or external IT manager? We can make it easy for you:

1️⃣ Hassle-free transition: Switching to another IT partner is not as complex as you might think. We meticulously share in advance how we operate.

2️⃣ ICT optimisations: First of all, we set up the basics perfectly. Think of securing your infrastructure and data, setting up a backup in order to quickly recover your data when needed, and resolving any malfunctions.

3️⃣ ICT strategy: Using an IT scan, we fully map out the strengths and weaknesses of your IT environment. Together, we then determine an ICT strategy for the future that helps your organisation and people grow.

4️⃣ Continuous improvement: We closely monitor all technological evolutions for you. We make sure that your ICT environment remains up-to-date and inform you about the latest developments.

Fast IT support

“Whenever an IT problem arises at Baat, we call the Savaco Service Desk. They always provide us with an answer or a solution as quickly as possible. Having a dedicated contact person who knows our IT environment is definitely a plus."

Ask your question

Feel free to ask your question to our IT team for SMEs and non-profits. Fill in the form on the right-hand side or contact us at We will contact you soon.


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