IT for discrete manufacturing

Experienced IT partner for the manufacturing industry

Companies in the manufacturing industry face significant challenges in various areas. Technology, automation, and digitalization offer tremendous opportunities to transform these challenges into innovations, more efficient processes, and growth. As an experienced guide in digital transformation, Savaco assists you in implementing the right technology and steers your company towards a successful, sustainable future.

Industry 4.0: opportunities and challenges

Manufacturing is the backbone of the Belgian economy. Many business that build high-tech products and machinery are global leaders in the niche (source: Agoria). To remain innovative and competitive, manufacturing businesses need to confront a number of challenges. These include where to find skilled workers, international competition and global energy and sustainability difficulties. Evolution into Industry 4.0 is also major challenge. According to a study conducted by Agoria, only 60% of businesses were busy working on their digital transformation in 2020. High time to put more industrial businesses on the path to Industry 4.0!

Challenges in manufacturing

  • Innovating quickly in a competitive landscape
  • Ensuring sustainability throughout the manufacturing process
  • Finding skilled workers
  • Improving operational efficiency
  • Smart products and processes
  • Greater insight into customer behaviour and product use 

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How can Savaco help?

Savaco has long been a firm partner of leading machinery manufacturers and manufacturing businesses and is ready to support your business with its digitalisation. With state-of-the-art technology and high-quality services, we can help your business to grow.

A glimpse into our customised solutions for the manufacturing industry:

Cloud & Infrastructure

Build a powerful, future-proof IT platform for your business

A powerful, hybrid data platform is a central link for your digital transformation. Savaco can design and install a customised, hybrid IT platform that will ensure your business continuity and can stimulate innovation. How do you make the right choice when it comes to platform, which applications are better hosted in the cloud than on-premises, how can you interconnect different production locations and what’s the best way to protect your business data and intellectual property? Savaco would be happy to help you find answers to these questions with a future-proof IT environment. 

Smart Product Development

Stimulate innovation with powerful design technology

Savaco provides CAD and PLM solutions that will enable you to launch better products to the market faster. Powerful CAD software from PTC lets you tackle every possible design challenge: from designing the concept to building major assemblies and validation and visualising your product. Product Lifecycle Management allows you to streamline the product development process in your business through smart information sharing, knowledge recycling and central management of your product information. 

AVR customer testimony
Innovation in product development is a constant motivation for AVR
Steven Paesschesoone, R&D Manager AVR

Our PLM system plays a vital role in our product development process. With Windchill PLM, we no longer have to repeatedly reinvent the wheel, plus we’ve noticeably shortened our time-to-market.

Industrial IoT

Transform your products thanks to the Internet of Things

More and more businesses are using the power of the (Industrial) Internet of Things. Develop better products thanks to feedback from your product in the field, create greater insight into your production process, evolve from reactive to predictive maintenance and serve and have a better understanding of your customers thanks to insights from your products. Savaco would be happy to help you develop a Smart Connected Platform to keep you one step ahead of the competition. 

Business Applications

Put your customers at the heart of everything with Customer Engagement.

In manufacturing, the sales process follows a unique path – often, it means long-term projects with an engineer-to-order approach. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement allows you to manage customer files centrally so that you can optimise your sales approach. Savaco helps you to align your use of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement to you specific sales process. 


More than 30 years of proven experience in the manufacturing industry

We speak the language of our customers

In-depth industry knowledge

Ample expertise

Experts in CAD, PDM, PLM, IIoT and AR

Professional through and through

Professional guidance and support

Fellow traveller

Trusted partner who pushes boundaries with you

Here’s a selection of some of the innovative businesses that Savaco is proud to partner with